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Grade One

Welcome to your first online French class at home! We are going to have SO MUCH FUN continuing to learn this beautiful language! I am from Montréal, and I can tell you that  it is super fun to learn French. We will sing (chanter) and we will dance (dancer) and we will speak (parler) and we will listen (ecouter)for new words and expressions to communicate in FRENCH! LET'S GO! Allons-y!!



Grade Two and Three

Welcome back -Bienvenue! You are now old pros at learning French! Let's continue having fun and learning even more! As we go, we will learn even more about Canada's French culture! We will have fun as Spring -le printemps blooms all around us!! Allons-y!


Grade Four and Five 

Welcome back! I am looking so forward to working with you online while you are safe at home and have fun learning more and more French! I think learning about food is always nice, don't you?- Especially French Food! In 2012 I went to Quebec AND France and had the best food of my life! I still think about it often. Mmmmm!Let's maybe explore that side of Canada's (and France's) culture. Allons-y!


Grade Six 

The leaders of the school- les Chefs de l'école! Bienvenue! Je suis tres heureuse, et j'ai håte de vous encore enseigner! Nous sommes ensembles- nous sommes en bonne santé! (Most important thing!)

Nous nous amuserons tellement! Work hard, play hard, go outside, practise physical distancing, laugh, enjoy yourself. We will be together again soon! In the meantime- we will learn right here, online and we will make the very best of it! Oui? Oui! ALLONS-Y!
























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