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 A Year in REVIEW:



We are working on building vocabulary, review, and answering questions in the journal, 

Gr 4- Oui C'est Moi

Gr5/6- C'est MOI!/Histoire d'Oakville

Next up- October -Cirque de L'Abeille Auditions!

(Tell Cirque De L'Abeille about you and your talents!)

Use the Modele to write a bio for your audition



How do we write the date?

C'est (DAY) le (#) (MONTH)(YEAR)

exemple: C'est Lundi, le 25 septembre 2017


Gr 4

Les Parties du Corps

La tete -head, les oreilles-ears, la bouche -mouth, le cou-neck, les yeux-eyes

Le Bras- arm, la coeur-heart, le nez-nose

La Météo- weather

Il fait chaud- it's hot out!, Il fait beau- it's nice, il fait froid- it's cold, il fait frais-it's fresh, Il fait du brouillard- it's foggy, il fait du vent- it's windy, il neige- it's snowing, C'est un tempête!-It's a storm!



Answering questions formula:

1, Take off the question

2.Change the subject and verb conjugation if necessary

3. Add the response and information (add add add!)



"the original form of the verb" (example TOMBER= TO FALL)


ER verb endings:

RegardER (TO look/ to watch)


Je regardE     Nous regardONS

tu regardES.  Vous regardEZ

Il/elle/ON RegardE.  Ils/elles RegardENT


Practice quiz and real quiz every two weeks 


Reading rules (see image attached)


Be sure to finish classwork on reading rules mind map 




1re -3me Année- review of new vocabulary focus on vetêments. (Il fait frais en Novembre!)

 intro to new songs e.g., Alouette, Counting song, Blue Jays Wave continues on! Colours in l'automne, and in every day life.

4me Année- intro to the ER verb, audition bio for Cirque de L'Abeille oral/ reading

5me Année- review of ER verb, Avoir verb focus, & quiz , intro to Etre verb and application in Cirque Bio.

Gr 5 AVOIR. QUIZ DEC 1  Please have it signed and show mcb! Merci!



Continue with Reading rules to 21 into December with practice. QUIZ IN JANUARY! (USE YOUR MIND MAP!)

Cirque de L'Abeille (MCB CAN'T WAIT TO SEE CIRQUE DE SOLEIL!!!). It was good! Not the best I have ever seen, but very good!

Bio with at least three verbs, double verb construction, written and oral, and performance (option




​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​READING RULES:

  1. Don’t pronounce any last letter unless you gut tells you to.

  2. Qu= K

  3. Eu = euh

  4. Ai - ay

  5. NO -H

  6. An = ahñ.  (ñ = nasal sound)

  7. En = ahñ

  8. Au = Oh

  9. é = eh

  10. Ou = Oooh

  11. I = Eeeeee!

  12. U = kiss your maman

  13. -tion = tyoñ

  14. Ch = shhhh

  15. ç = ssss

  16. Oi = wah

  17. ll = Yeh (not always… follow your gut!

  18. A = ah

  19. est (is)= eh

  20. Est (east)= esst

  21. Tie in the consonant and the vowel  (use your gut instinct!)




Gr 4 Finish Cirque unit hand in Bio (good copy) 

Review Sept-Dec. Discuss Carnaval! (Février)!

Chanter - songs of the season- Québecois

Fëlicitations- Completing Avoir Etre Aller Bravo




Être - to be

je suis- I am

tu es- you are

il/elle est- he/she is

nous sommes- we are

vous êtes- you are

ils/elles sont- they are

                                                                                                        Reading Rules mind map with France theme!




Gr 6 L'Hiver 

building sentences, getting to know verbs ALLER and FAIRE, double verb construction (when two verbs go walking', the second does the talkin' in the infinitive form (YEAH!)

Les jeux de carnaval, et de l'Inuit Nous espérons que les jeux sont dans la neige!

Le carnaval de Québec - comprehension, la lecture, et içi, on parle français!


ALLER VERB POP QUIZ the week of the 14 janvier!!


Aller- to go.                                  Faire- to do / to make

je vais I go                                Je fais.   I do/make

tu vas. you go                           tu fais.    you do/make

il/elle va  he/she goes             il/elle fait.  he/she does/makes

nous allons.  we go                   nous faisons. we do/make

vous allez. you go                     vous faites.  you do/make

ils/elles vont. they go                ils/elles font. they do/make​



Carnaval Project!

The 2020 Quebec Carnaval starts in Feb!  Let's make our own!

In your groups, research the long and full history of the Carnaval de Quebec

•Research the history (who where what why when) of the activity you have chosen to present

•Decide how you will inform the class about your activity (and if you would like us to try the activity (please talk to McB about the safety and logistics of your plan well before you organize it).

•Write a step by step (procedural writing) about how patrons at the Carnaval would participate (how to do the activity) and what clothing and props/materials you or the patrons will need.

•Please incorporate a bilingual nature to your presentation. For example, if you choose to have slides or a Power Point Presentation, make the information bilingual. Be sure to emphasize the new vocabulary in your speaking. 

NOTE: If you borrow information or wording from ANY source you MUST cite that source.

Have FUN. Enjoy- Carnaval comes only once a year!

For more info on the Carnaval de Quebec go to:


Mars - AVRIL

What will your family do for Earth Hour without lights- or maybe try no electricity at all! We will write all about it!

Plays in theatre groups! You and your theatre group in class will rehearse and put on a play in French. Maybe younger grades will enjoy your performance if you are feeling ready to perform!




String stories- Les Histoires de Corde! You will write a sweet little story, illustrate with string games, and record yourself reading! (We will discuss later how I will be able to hear you. :)

Reading- We begin to really focus on our reading rules and make it flow!



What's after that? Getting ready for end of term assessment! 

Journal- what to include

Journal Contents:

Using what we have learned. Why do we learn French in the first place?, How to answer questions in French. Some examples of Est-ce que questions/qu'est ce que questions etc., using the ER verb, Reading Rules, Avoir, étre, aller, faire verbs, negation (ne verb pas), double verb construction. Phew! We have done A LOT! Bravo!!



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